"I will be chatting about all things that interest me. Hopefully, you'll find something to interest YOU! So grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy!"
Monday, December 22, 2008
don't trust them old people!!!
A tour bus driver is driving with a bus load of seniors down a highway when he is tapped on his shoulder by a little old lady. She offers him a handful of peanuts, which he gratefully munches up.
After about 15 minutes, she taps him on his shoulder again and she hands him another handful of peanuts.
She repeats this gesture about five more times.
When she is about to hand him another batch again .....he asks the little old lady, 'Why don't you eat the peanuts yourself?'.
'We can't chew them because we've no teeth', she replied.
The puzzled driver asks, 'Why do you buy them then?'
The old lady replied, 'We just love the chocolate around them.'
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Pictures of and from Space

If you are anything like me, you love great pictures. Do you have hundreds in your PC memory and change your desktop fifty times a week? Well, NASA has some great pictures and videos. This is a MUST for homeschooling. Here is a taste. This is Jupiter and its moon Ganymede. And this is just one of thousands of images on their site. There is also news items and reports.
Go ahead and click HERE to check it all out. Sometimes we forget the basic places we can go to for information and fun. And with the "vastness" of space of the World Wide Web, we forget about the 'vastness' of space itself.

A Happy Sky Over Los Angeles
Credit & Copyright: Dave Jurasevich (Mt. Wilson Observatory)
Explanation: Sunday, the sky seemed to smile over much of planet Earth. Visible the world over was an unusual superposition of our Moon and the planets Venus and Jupiter. Pictures taken at the right time show a crescent Moon that appears to be a smile when paired with the planetary conjunction of seemingly nearby Jupiter and Venus. Pictured above is the scene as it appeared from Mt. Wilson Observatory overlooking Los Angeles, California, USA after sunset on 2008 November 30. Highest in the sky and farthest in the distance is the planet Jupiter. Significantly closer and visible to Jupiter's lower left is Venus, appearing through Earth's atmospheric clouds as unusually blue. On the far right, above the horizon, is our Moon, in a waxing crescent phase. Thin clouds illuminated by the Moon appear unusually orange. Sprawling across the bottom of the image are the hills of Los Angeles, many covered by a thin haze, while LA skyscrapers are visible on the far left. The conjunction of Venus and Jupiter will continue to be visible toward the west after sunset during much of this month. Hours after the taking of this image, however, the Moon approached the distant duo, briefly eclipsed Venus, and then moved on.
I totally copied and pasted that last paragraph from the archives of NASA's featured photo of the day.
Ya'all really need to check it all out. Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Come be a squirrel
You can learn how to grow and cook your own food, what a B.O.B. is, hunting and fishing tips, about guns, and my favorite part: read some good stories. There are a couple boards that have stories. One is strictly Christian fiction and the other has all types of 'survival' stories.
I even have a couple on there.
Yes, you have to register, but I don't think you'll be disappointed.
HERE is the link. So go explore and learn a little something, who knows, you might just learn enough to save your butt if we have a nuclear war.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
It's a brand new day!
So I may even post some of my new story I'm working on or one of my old ones.
Ya just never know! But I sure hope you enjoy!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Will the REAL Eco-terrorist please Stand UP?
Today however, I saw the other said of the matter. And the view is quite different from the other side of the coin.
I discovered that members of these environmental "earth first" groups actually feel that those harming the earth are the eco-terrorists.
So each group, those pro-ecofriendly and those pro-capitalism are "eco-terrorists" to each other.
Are you confused yet?
And BOTH sides are using propaganda to support their views.
HERE is the link to an article that gives some insight into how the crowd that supports Earth First view "their fight".
I'm going to use a propaganda technique to try to simplify matters. I'll use "code" words to label each group. I'll use colors and try to use neutral ones.
For those people who support groups such as E.L.F., I'll label "tan" and for those who either attempt to stop these groups or are damaged by them, I'll label "ivory".
In the article; "tan" seems determined to do "whatever necessary" to meet their goals of a totally earth friendly environment. While "ivory" will send out to protests those who can help deter "tan's" plans. For example, send someone to safely remove a Tan who is chained to a tree. Ivory will use infiltration and other policing tactics to find out about potential plans to do damage.
However, it's seems that that the propaganda is escalating when it comes to "tan's" actions. Instead of being satisfied with the destruction of property and the large signs of warning, the tree sitting, and other more passive means of protest; they are now expanding to more physically threatening actions. Tan will actually not only threaten to go pay a "visit" to an Ivory's home. Tan so far, has not come right out and said they will harm an Ivory's loved one; but you can read the insinuation in the article. Scary stuff.
What kind of propaganda is this? Is it even propaganda any more? These actions are moving the technique of 'demonizing the opposition' to extremely dangerous levels. They are demonizing themselves in order to force a change in the other's policies.
The article also explains that many of these extreme groups were made to be "front groups". Simply to make the already so called radical groups -look reasonable. Here is a short excerpt from the article:
"Smithsonian magazine writes:
"We thought it would have been useful to have a group to take a tougher position than the Sierra Club and the Wilderness Society," Foreman remembers. "It could be sort of secretly controlled by the mainstream and trotted out at hearings to make the Sierra Club or Wilderness Society look moderate."
So who really is an eco-terrorist? Those who are damaging the ecosystem with their building projects and pollution? Or those who damage the product of other humans in order to protect the earth?
Do the ends justify the means? Do two wrongs make a right?
Only you can decide for yourself where you stand.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Bye Bye Frogs and Salamanders!
This park is the oldest National Park in the world so conservation methods have been going on for a long time here. The ponds where various species of frogs and salamanders lay their eggs and the larva grow are drying up. Global warming is thought to be the cause. The article that I'm citing today speaks about how drastically the populations have declined.
Here is the link
This decline has been observed by Biology Associate Professor Elizabeth Hadly who has been going to Yellowstone since 1981.

A tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) in Yellowstone. Credit: Sarah McMenamin
When searching this article for types of propaganda, I found that the deep concern from the various scientists, was easily discerned. Words like: killing, 'blinking off', and depressing adequately convey the distressing situation.
Here is a dramatic quote from the article:
" During the course of their study, the researchers witnessed the loss of four amphibian communities because of pond drying. Each event left hundreds of dried tiger salamander corpses behind. The ponds had dried rapidly, over just a few days, too fast for larvae to metamorphose and adults to migrate."
So perhaps their use of the word "killing" wasn't propaganda at all. Or maybe it was and it was necessary to gain the attention of people so that something could be done.
I think they should have gone with a more dramatic picture; perhaps of the corpses found which would have been a great way to "shock" people.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Is the group E.L.F. dangerous?

March 3: Firefighters battle a blaze in Woodinville, Wash.
Many government officials believe we are in danger from an "eco-terrorist" group called The Earth Liberation Front; or ELF for short. This is a group of protesters that are convinced that the health of the earth should come before humans. There is no known leader and most of the people affiliated with the group does not know other members. It is a widely scattered and loose organization.
In the above picture, firefighters are putting out a blaze that is believed to have been set by members of ELF. Here is the story.
So are these "elves" really terrorists? The FBI and other authorities would make them out to be the worst case of terrorists. The article claims that eco-terrorists are the number 1 domestic threat.
It does seem as if the rich, over the top "McMansions" (these are luxury homes) are one of the targets of the group. I've not found where anyone has died due to the sabotage or destruction that has been attributed to this group.
The very name "Eco-terrorist" puts a negative spin on the group. And yes, technically they are trying to push their agenda by using the terror of destruction. But by putting that label on the group, does it not put them in the same category with those terrorists who DO kill people to push their agenda? So far we are talking about damage to things. Not that I'm condoning those actions. But are they really "terrorizing" anyone? I don't think so. No one is afraid for their lives but people are afraid for their "goods", their "things".
I think that the group: ELF use the propaganda technique of 'poisoning the well'. They think that all human activity is a plague on the earth. They are so committed to protecting the earth that they will not listen when a builder claims to be eco-friendly. They do not see how a luxury home can be built and be good to nature. They also use 'appeal to authority' because they feel that their authority establishes their claims as correct.
The FBI uses propaganda of spin words to paint the ELF group as a terrorist threat to all of America when it's clear that they are targeting the "rich". I've not heard of them burning down a trailer park and they are more of a harm to the earth than a luxury home is.
Is the group ELF dangerous? Obviously to our fancy homes they are. And since they also take credit for damage to oil pipelines, they could really mess up our comfortable lifestyles. But so far, I do not think we need to fear for our lives.
Monday, October 20, 2008
No more nekkid sunbathing! Thanks "Eye in the Sky"!

The Kutztown University image shows the campus, which includes academic buildings, parking lots, roads, athletic fields and the track-and-field facility. The image was collected at 12:00 p.m. EDT on Oct. 7, 2008 while GeoEye-1 was moving north to south in a 423-mile-high (681 km) orbit over the eastern seaboard of the U.S. at a speed of four-and-one-half miles per second.
You can check out the whole article here.
If the picture is any indication of the ability of the "GeoEye-1" to see clearly; well, I'm done sunbathing with no clothes on. And yes this is a commercial type of satellite and images are going to be sold.
There is much praise in the article for how great a job the company did getting the job done. Excuse me, but they were contracted for a specific job at a specific price and when they did what they promised to do, they want extra praise? Here's them a "cookie"!
It seems that they are giving their own exaggerated testimonial which is a specialized form of propaganda! And since they seem to be concentrating on only the positive of this venture and I did not read anything negative; that sounds like some fancy card stacking type of propaganda!
Let me know what YOU think! And remember: NO MORE NEKKID SUNBATHING!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
"Eat what's on your plate! There are kids starving in Africa!"
Many of the governments that are given aid for their people, either use themselves or sell it and buy weapons. Very little actually gets to the needy people. Outside sources have tried to drop supplies directly to the people but again, the governments get upset and block all they can.
Well, it seems that once again, Ethiopia is in trouble and the weather is not cooperating with them.

The area's apparent fertility is deceptive. Rains fell at the wrong time, reserves are dwindling and 50 percent of the area's two million inhabitants are facing what aid workers have labelled a "green famine".
Read the whole story here.
What is interesting, is that it is being called a "Green" famine. It seems that it didn't get green on time. Not enough water to begin with and now that everything is green, it isn't producing enough.
Here is where I am having a hard time to remain neutral. I don't think they are using ENOUGH propaganda in this article. The ONLY reason I even clicked on it was because of the words "Green Famine". How can you have a green famine, I thought. Those two code words put together is what hooked me but while the article goes on to explain what is going on in Africa, it sounds like a broken record, sad to say. It sounds like a lecture from my mom when I was a kid. They need to get a good PR person who can come up with some fabulous new guilt words that will spur people into action against the governments who are not allowing food to get to their people.
At least a million people died in 1984; how many will die this year?
Now why is it that we can come up with super-fast computers, cars that can go 120+ miles/hour, send robots to Mars; yet we cannot feed the human race? Why do we.......no scratch that....HOW can we allow people to die from hunger? It's just some good healthy food. Why are governments so greedy that they would rather have a huge military presence yet allow their people to die...just who will they be defending if their people are all dead?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Raw Sewage Dumped in the Great Lakes!

Blame it on the weather, Milwaukee, and Chicago!
An article from Terra Daily reports that:
"A primary threat to human health are the extreme precipitation events that overwhelm the combined urban storm water and sewage systems such as those in Milwaukee and Chicago, resulting in millions of gallons of raw sewage being diverted to Lake Michigan."
You can read the entire article here.
The article gives a sense of urgency due to the code words used such as: "perfect storm" and "Deteriorating" and "intensified" and "extreme" and of course it all puts our health "at risk."
Although I do admit, they give some good ideas to combat the urgency of the 'threat'.
I love the prop of the picture of the Great Lakes, having Michigan as my birth state, it tugs at my emotions.
The article did seem to have a touch of the "either/or fallacy" since it implied that either the problem gets fixed OR everyone will die. Ok, maybe not everyone, but they did make it seem that there would be MANY die.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
A Virgin Birth

Now this pregnancy wasn't found out until the shark died and her body examined for cause of death. Inside, they found a shark pup that was almost full term. The mother shark had died from complications due to her pregnancy but they did not say if it was specifically due to the pup. (btw- baby sharks are called pups)
Here is the whole story
There have been other cases of females from certain species getting pregnant all by themselves, it is a rare thing.
And technically, this was NOT a "virgin BIRTH" since the pup was not literally born. So it seems that some propaganda is going on. Did the word "Virgin" catch YOUR attention? I know it did mine.
That is a code word if I ever heard one!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Got Milk? Pass on it if it's from China!
You can read about the farmer who was busted for 600 tonnes of the tainted milk here.
The article uses white propaganda to relate facts and even the word "enormous" linked with "health scandal" seems less like exaggeration since there HAS been major scandals.
Here is a quote from the article:
" Melamine has been at the centre of an enormous health scandal in China over the past month after it emerged the industrial chemical had been illegally put into watered-down milk to give dairy products the illusion of high protein levels."
Since these milk products have been shipped all over the world, make sure you are buying local milk if you just "got" to have milk.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
See sensitive habitats on Google Earth!
First, Google Earth has launched a tool that will enable people to see those places in the oceans they would love to see but can't since they are areas of sensitivity.
Steve Miller is the Google Earth project manager and said that the "layer" (what the tool is called) was the end result of a yearlong project. And it was meant to let conservationists take hard science to the public in a way that will entertain them.
Go here to check out the press release and here to download Google Earth!
Another presentation was by National Geographic which unveiled a live, continuous underwater video feed of a coral reef off of Belize. It's called WildCam Belize Reef.
National Geographic is known for attaching cameras to both land and sea animals and then sharing the footage but this live cam project is believed to be the first experiment to provide a nonstop, live feed.
The press release uses the propaganda technique of dropping names since it talks about how many governments are on board for this project, not to mention that both Google and National Geographic are HUGE names.
I've used Google Earth and actually like it. I'll be checking both of these out because I feel swayed by all that positive and exciting propaganda! Especially the part were Torre Stockard of National Geographic's remote imaging department saw a shark swim by while drinking coffee and checking out the reef! Why don't ya'all jump on the bandwagon with me?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Freaky Fishes!
Yes, it is a "conservation" website but a great way to get people to take notice than to pull out those things that are freaky and weird; and believe me, some of these fish are weird looking.
Of course you might want to use your junk email to "vote" since I'm sure you'll get some emails from them. So what kind of propaganda would this be? Using freaky fish to push their agenda of conservation....? I do see "freaky fish" as code words. The pictures also make nice props. Good color pic's. See the example below.
PS. I voted for the Fanfin Seadevil. It was all them spikes!

This one is truly monstrous, resembling a construction by the evil kid in Toy Story. With wire-like filaments sticking out of its body to detect movement in the water, the greek root of its name means roughly a “toad embellished with stalks.” Don’t worry, it’s unlikely you’ll ever deal with this devil – it’s rarely observed or captured.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Making Whale More "Human"?
“The visual presence of some animal like a whale is not all that will be missed when it is gone. I care more for the howl of the wolf than for his merely doglike look. And when the last howl of the last wolf has filled the night, has echoed and died out, something in all of us will pass with it into a kind of mute invisibility.
“And so it is with whales. There may come a time when, in some remote, moonlit ocean glade, deserted of humanity, the last call of a humpback whale will start, and spread out, and then vanish, until those who heard it last will only wonder if they heard it at all. And in this way each whale species will make its final exit until the blind continents, banked in their beds of silent ooze, and moving like slow clouds across the molten face of the earth, will no longer have whales to cheer them on, but will make their way in silence and alone.” - Roger Payne (scientist and lover of the whales, spoken in their defense due to the killings by Japan)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Superhero? or Super-foe?
"In addition to seeking to eradicate poverty, that (U.N.) declaration commits nations to banning 'small arms and light weapons' and ratifying a series of treaties, including the International Criminal Court Treaty, the Kyoto Protocol (global warming treaty), the Convention of Biological Diversity, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Convention of the Rights of the Child," he said.
Those U.N. protocols would make U.S. law on issues ranging from the 2nd Amendment to energy usage and parental rights all subservient to United Nations whims.
Kincaid also reported Jeffrey Sachs, who runs the "Millennium Project," confirms a U.N. plan to force the U.S. to pay 0.7 percent of GNP would add about $65 billion a year to what the U.S. already donates overseas."
The above statement is from an article that caught my attention on WorldNetDaily. What had initially caught my eye was a picture of Senator Obama standing in front of a prop of Superman. This propaganda technique definitely worked since I ended up reading the whole article.
Here is the url: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=56405

I think we could all agree that ending global poverty is a good thing; but, I must ask: what does taking away our second amendment rights have to with that? We have that right for a reason, to protect ourselves from our government.
Is this the "change" that Obama has promised if he becomes our president? That the UN will be making all the decisions for the US? Why does that simply NOT sound right?
Does the prop of the superman make you think that Obama is a "superman" himself and ready to handle any problems? Or do you think that it is a distraction from a very different purpose of this bill?
To me, anyone who would willing WANT to give our rights away to the UN is NOT a superhero, he or she would be a super-foe.
Leave me a comment!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
what do the presidential candidates have to say?
I tried posting the link, but it was too long so I'm going to copy and paste the questions and answers.
question 1:
National Wildlife Federation members love spending time in America’s great outdoors, and they are seeing major climate impacts in our forests, rivers, coastal areas and other landscapes. Both you and your opponent have spoken of the need for action to address global warming. As president, what steps will you take through executive action, and what kind of legislation will you seek, to confront global warming?
The issue of climate change is one of the most important issues facing our nation and the world today. Accordingly, I believe that the next president of the United States, working with Congress, has an obligation to act to establish a comprehensive cap-and-trade system that will use market forces to allow the United States to transition into a new low-carbon regime while supporting our national economic goals. The environmental and economic threat posed by climate change is enormous, as are the stakes of how well we deal with the problem. Clearly, the quality of our response to this challenge will heavily influence the safety, security and prosperity of our country for many decades to come. Climate change is a global problem that demands a global solution. This problem cannot be solved by the United States alone, nor can it be solved without our leadership. A responsible international effort is essential if the serious problem of global climate change is to be tackled properly and without placing an unfair burden on our country. This will require leadership by the United States, and as president, I will see that we provide it.
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our generation. I support implementation of a market-based cap-and-trade system to reduce carbon emissions by 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. My cap-and-trade system will require all pollution credits to be auctioned. A small portion of the receipts generated by auctioning allowances ($15 billion per year) will be used to support the development of clean energy and energy efficiency. All remaining receipts will be used for rebates and other transition relief to ensure that families and communities are not adversely impacted by the transition to a new energy, low-carbon economy.
I will develop domestic incentives that reward forest owners, farmers and ranchers when they plant trees, restore grasslands or undertake farming practices that capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. As president, I will also immediately take steps to ensure that my administration and the federal government lead the way in terms of improving energy efficiency and consumption of renewable energy. My energy plan calls for all new federal buildings to be zero-emissions by 2025 and I will ensure that the entire White House fleet is converted to plug-ins as security permits within my first year in office.question 2:
Our nation’s water resources are increasingly threatened by many factors, including growth, development and climate alterations. If elected, how would you manage the nation’s land and water resources?
There are serious threats to our water resources in many areas of the country. From drought in the Southwest to protecting the Great Lakes, both the federal government and local governments will have to deal with a number of water issues in the years to come. The Clean Water Act is one of our most successful environmental laws. It has allowed the United States to protect a number of important aquatic resources, while protecting water quality. Wetlands are a vital component of our natural aquatic ecosystems and should be recognized as such. Among other benefits, they play an important role in mitigating floods, provide key habitat for a variety of flora and fauna, and naturally purify waters around them. As president, I will work to develop a wetlands and water resources policy that provides necessary protection of our aquatic resources, builds strong and lasting partnerships, and respects local conditions and needs.
Having lived near Lake Michigan for 20 years, I appreciate the need to protect our nation’s waters and cosponsored legislation to protect and restore the Great Lakes. I also have fought for programs to improve water quality in our rivers, streams and lakes generally. The American West faces a serious water crisis and the federal government must help local communities conserve water by promoting improved technology for water conservation and efficiency, wastewater treatment, and voluntary water banks. Since cosponsoring the Illinois Wetlands Protection Act, I have fought to preserve wetlands and support a broad range of federal programs, including the North American Wetlands Conservation Act and the Wetlands Reserve Program. Because most land is privately owned, private landowners are the principal stewards of America’s land and water. I have long supported conservation programs helping landowners with sustainable environmental planning and best land management practices. As president, in addition to protecting federal public lands, I will put an unprecedented level of emphasis on the conservation of private lands, including increased funding for the Conservation Security Program and the Conservation Reserve Program and creating additional incentives for private landowners to protect and restore wetlands, grasslands, forests and other wildlife habitat.
question 3:
Existing law requires an act of Congress before oil and gas exploration or development could proceed in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, our nation’s largest wildlife refuge. What is your position on oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other public lands?
I do not support drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge at this time. Quite rightly, I believe, we confer a special status on some areas of our country that are best left undisturbed. When America set aside the ANWR, we called it a “refuge” for a reason. So long as we have alternatives to meet our own energy needs, we must protect the environment of this unique reserve and preserve it as a petroleum reserve for our children and grandchildren.
I strongly reject drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge because it would irreversibly damage a protected national wildlife refuge. I will ensure that energy development on federal lands is done responsibly and protects valuable fish and wildlife habitat. We need a new vision for conservation that both protects our existing publicly owned lands while dramatically expanding investments in protecting and restoring forests, grasslands and wetlands across America. As president, I will repair the damage done to our national parks by inadequate funding and emphasize the protection and restoration of our national forests. I will lead efforts to acquire and conserve new parks and public lands, focusing on ecosystems such as the Great Plains and Eastern forests, which do not yet have the protection they deserve. I support protection of roadless areas to keep over 58 million acres of national forests pristine.
question 4:
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change pro-jects that more than 20 to 30 percent of plant and animal species worldwide face an increasingly high risk of extinction if we fail to act on climate change. Are there any specific policies and efforts that you would initiate as president to help wildlife survive global warming?
As witnessed by the effects of climate change on the polar bear population, it is clear that global warming is affecting many aspects of our environment, including our wildlife. It is important to address these concerns while implementing a strong cap-and-trade system to start mitigating the overall effects of global warming on our planet. As president, I would support reforms to the Endangered Species Act that maintain strong and responsible protection for threatened and endangered species, and promote species recovery while bringing greater levels of cooperation, efficiency and cost-effectiveness to the effort. I believe that part of this effort must include achieving greater levels of coordination among federal, state and local agencies, and working proactively and cooperatively with private landowners to protect habitat in a way that enhances species while respecting property rights.
I recognize that global warming is real, is happening now and poses a real threat to America’s fish, wildlife and natural habitats, and to the lifestyles and enjoyment of all wildlife enthusiasts. I support proposals endorsed by dozens of national conservation organizations, including the National Wildlife Federation, to devote significant resources to help ensure that fish and wildlife survive the impacts of climate change. I am also a long-time supporter of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which helps state and local governments acquire and protect important habitats needed by wildlife to survive climate change, and have supported more money for the fund every year that I have been in the U.S. Senate. I also support restoring coastal marine fish habitat damaged by sea level rise, hurricanes and coastal development. Finally, I support maintaining the strong protections of the Endangered Species Act and think the Act is fundamentally sound.
question 5:
If you are elected, what specific energy plans and policies would your administration put forward?
I believe that it is imperative to expand and diversify our energy sector in the coming years. I have proposed a comprehensive national energy plan, the Lexington Pro-ject, that will achieve strategic independence from foreign oil, expand the use of renewable energy sources, increase the focus on energy efficiency, expand our use of zero-emission nuclear power, and support the automobile industry building cars that don’t require gasoline. We must approach our increase in energy needs by encouraging new advancements in energy technology while harnessing proven, abundant energy sources in a way that recognizes the need to lessen the impacts on our environment. Through an expansion of our use of nuclear power, clean coal technologies, and renewable energies such as solar, wind and hydro, I believe that the United States can achieve an energy future that is not dependent on the whims of other nations and doesn’t further contribute to global climate change. To this end, the Lexington Project eliminates our dependence on foreign sources of oil in part through a tax credit for zero-emissions cars, with the maximum credit of $5,000 adjusted downward depending on CO2 emissions, and a $300 million prize for developing the next generation electric car battery.
Under my energy plan, America will become 15 percent more energy efficient by 2020, since it is one of the fastest, easiest and cheapest ways to conserve energy and use less oil. My plan invests $150 billion in a clean energy fund to help create the fuel-efficient cars and alternative sources of energy of the future, paid for by ending tax breaks for oil companies and putting a price on carbon pollution—reducing our global warming pollution 80 percent by 2050. We will double our fuel mileage standards over the next 20 years and invest in modernizing and in bringing the most promising clean-energy technologies into the marketplace, including plug-in hybrid batteries that will help bring 1 million plug-in hybrid vehicles that get up to 150 miles per gallon on the road by 2015. We must make these investments to ensure the “green” jobs of the future are created in the United States. My plan requires that by 2012, 10 percent of our electricity will come from renewable sources like solar and wind. We will produce 2 billion gallons of advanced cellulosic biofuels by 2013 and invest in finding cleaner ways to use coal and safer ways to use nuclear power and store nuclear waste.
question 6:
In today’s hectic, computerized world, America’s children are less inclined to get outdoors to play or enjoy the wonders and beauty of nature. What outdoor experiences or adventures did you have as a child that might help shape your policies, if elected, to encourage today’s future generations of children to enjoy the natural world?
Our National Park System, our national forests, our seashores, and our state and local parks offer a huge array of outdoor opportunities. Like so many Americans, I love our parks because their diversity, beauty and timelessness feed the soul and inspire the spirit. They are a vital link to the larger forces of creation and the handiwork of our Creator. I have had the pleasure of spending a great deal of time at the Grand Canyon in my home state of Arizona, and enjoyed the privilege of working many years to protect the park, preserve its character and enhance the experience that its visitors deserve. As an individual, I find our parks to be a source of great personal joy and inspiration; as a national leader, they are a cause that I’ve been proud to serve throughout my life in public service, as they will be during my presidency, and the rest of my life.
The places of my youth profoundly influenced my understanding of the environment: Hawaii gave me an abiding affection for nature’s beauty, while Indonesia showed me the environmental degradation that can occur when greed is left unchecked. We need to preserve our parks, forests, farms and wilderness because they are beautiful and deserve our protection, but also because without these places, our children will become more sedentary. I also believe we need to improve the built environment in our cities and communities to promote more healthy lifestyles, which is why I have sponsored the Healthy Communities Act and the Healthy Places Act in the U.S. Senate. Having been raised by a single parent, I understand the challenges parents face in providing our children with all the opportunities we wish for them, including experiencing and learning to care for the natural world. In the end, it’s about our children, and the greatest influence on me is my oldest daughter, Malia, who has asthma. Because of her, I have an enduring personal commitment to cleaner air.
Last question:
If you could be an animal, which one would you choose and why?
If I were an animal I think I’d like to be a jaguar.
Americans love wildlife and I’m no exception. Pets are beloved companions for many, and Michelle and I have promised our daughters a dog when the campaign is over and we can properly care for it. Healthy wildlife are critical components of healthy ecosystems and the love of wildlife provides a deep connection to the natural world.
Well people, there you have it. Are these just a bunch of pretty words? Or do you think that this is a whole lot of "assertion" on the parties parts? I see many glittering generalities from McCain and a tad of testimonial from Obama. So tell me, have their propaganda techniques swayed YOU? Please leave me a comment or two about what YOU think.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Africa's FIRST solar powered car race
The article states that the race is hoping to promote science and technology and also raise awareness of alternative energy. The Solar Daily quotes the organizer, Winstone Jordaan as saying: "Promoting science and technology, that is the main focus. If we can convince another 10 people in our country to become engineers, it could be a radical improvement to our economy,"
The race consists of a total of 4175KM and has 4 teams competing.
The article gives just enough information to snag a readers attention but since the race just started yesterday and will last two weeks, there is no winner yet. (If anyone finds out before me, leave a comment!)
Did you know that a 65 square feet solar array is able to get a car up to 100 miles per hour? I didn't until I read this article!
The Solar Daily is helping to draw people to alternate energy by using propaganda that attracts just as giving nice interesting tidbits and supporting the impression that this type of energy is needed. It's trying to get everyone on the "bandwagon" of alternative energy.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
check out YOUR state
This is a great tactic for the National Wildlife Federation to use since it makes global warming personal to individuals.
They use words such as: likely change; so that they strongly support their view. For my state of Arkansas it said:
Arkansas is home to an incredible diversity of native wildlife species, including 312 birds, 69 mammals, 64 reptiles, 203 fish, and 49 amphibians. Rising temperatures will likely change the makeup of entire ecosystems, forcing wildlife to shift their ranges or adapt.
Notice how they did not come right out and say that the critters will die; but they did give that impression by making the thought of shifting their ranges or adapting sound like a bad thing.
If temperatures go up, I would think it would be a good thing that a critter either moves or adapts. And I do give kudos to the Federation for NOT proclaiming death and doom for Arkansas Critters.
Why not try the link and see what they think is in store for YOUR state. Leave me a note and tell me all about it!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
What it's gonna be all about.
I'll be looking at articles and stories about the environment and seeing what kinds of propaganda is being used and whether it is being used for good or for bad.
Of course, what will be considered "good" or "bad" will be up to me!
I suppose that I should use "negative" or "positive"; but I'm not a "PC" kinda person.
Hopefully after you read my blog you will be a bit more educated on what is going on with this great earth we call home and maybe share in a giggle or two with me.
So sit back, sip some tea or other beverage of your choice and ENJOY!